Alaskan Pipeline
Hexagon Drilling Co.
Valdez Bay, Alaska
The Sea
The Sea makes up a large part of this level, and also holds several useful powerups. Behind the small island you're sure to find wrenches, but try and save them until you really need them! Icebergs regularly appear in this level as well (one of the objectives is to break them up), but they also provide good cover. Remember, if you get hit too much you lose your hydro floaters, so don't stay out in the open the whole time. The Oil Rig is also destructable and yields a powerup once it explodes. Finally, the whale hangs about in the ocean though it tends not to bother with vehilcles too much.
The Oil Drums
These four oil drums are linked by narrow walkways and you're always guaranteed some kind of powerup on top of them. This is also a key location for the oil canisters that need to be found as part of certain missions. Apart from that, there's not much to them - although you can blow them up if enemies are nearby, just like in the original Oil Field level.
Oil Pool
Being filled with oil, these pools are highly flammable - firing anywhere in them causes a spark that targets nearby vehicles, setting them on fire and causing damage. In addition, when you leave the pool your vehicle will leave a trail of oil. The same sparks will now leave the pool onto land and follow the trail until they reach their victim! Apart from the obvious flammable issues, the oil itself is very slippery and it's easy to lose control of your vehicle in the middle of it. If you have to cut across it, use a turbo and keep in a straight line.
The Pipeline
Enter a pipe an you'll be carried along one of the various routes, before being spat out - is lucky, on the raised ledge that has a couple of crates and a repair wrench.
Weapons & Powerup Spawn Points
Apart from previously mentioned locations, try running round the outskirts of the level as well as in between the legs supporting the pieline for aditional powerups and weapons.