Age: n/a
Leprechaun 1975
- Speed -- 6 / 10
- Armour-- 3 / 10
- Avoidance -- 9 / 10
- Average -- 8 / 10
Boogie's big advantage over all the other vehicles is his unsurpassed avaoidance rating - he can outrun or avoid most homing attacks if react quickly enough. As such, Boogie's key tactic is to keep on the move and if you can zig zag in and out of scenery, so much the better.
Disco inferno
Boogie's siganture move unlesahes a torrent of laser blasts from a spinning disco ball, accompanied of course, by a disco soundtrack. Like Beezwax's move, this can juggle enemies allowing you to add some damage - the cannon buckshot a particular recommendation...