
Age: n/a



When Selected

Fasten your seatbelts, and get ready for take-off!


Heh, Heh, just bust a bogey.


Mayday, Mayday, I'm going down!

Firing Special

Bombs away!


'73 Glenn 4x4

'73 Glenn 4x4
  • Speed -- 8 / 20
  • Armour-- 10 / 20
  • Avoidance -- 17 / 20
  • Average -- 12 / 20

Overall, Loki, isn't the greatest of characters, and if you want a small fast vehicle it's probably best to opt for Sheila instead. However, a good fair-fight deathmatch is if you put Loki up against Sheila. On the plus side, Loki does have a very small vehicle, so, the same tactics apply with Sheila - try not to get into any serious close-combat activity or you'll be totalled.


Scatter Missiles

Scatter Missiles

A rack of three cruise missiles retrofitted by Loki with cluster-bomb warheads.

Scatter Missiles
Scatter Missiles
Scatter Missiles
Scatter Missiles

Another fire-and-forget weapon, Lokis missiles can be fired from just about anywhere. They hover over th target for a second or two, then fire into the ground. The best way to use them is to fire them, then watch them as they move into place over the target. At this point, fire some standard weapons at the target and chances are you'll get a whammy. // Avoiding the missiles is straightforward - once they get into position above you, you need to get out of there. A good trick is to deliberately stop, then when they're just about to drop, move out the way quickly and they'll crash into the ground. This tactic is really only advisable for faster vehicles.