Chassey Blue

Age: n/a

Chassey Blue


When Selected

Lets get on with the mission, hmmm?


You have the right to remain silent, permanently.


Oh no! I think I broke a nail!

Firing Special



'67 Rattler

'67 Rattler
  • Speed -- 16 / 20
  • Armour-- 8 / 20
  • Avoidance -- 13 / 20
  • Average -- 12 / 20

Chassey's car, although quite lightly armoured still holds up as one of the better choices of characters, due in part to the Rattlers high speed and effectiveness of 'Gridlock'. The main advantage of the rattler is its speed and manouverability, so try and run circles round your opponents and be sure to get out of there if your in trouble. On the downside, it's quite light and any kind of serious blast can knock the Rattler for six.




Developed for Chassey by government labs, the Gridlock launches an expanding grid of flares. The flares combust on impact in a gaseous discharge, capable of stalling and damaging almost any engine within the grid area


The key thing to remember about Gridlock is that to make the most out of it, you need to split its attack into two parts. Firstly, fire the flares - there are nine in total that spread out as they fire away from your car. As each flare causes damage, you want to get as close as possible to try and get as many as possible to hit. The most effecient way to do this is to get up close and hit them from side-on, as this means that a greater area of their bodywork is exposed. This is all the more effective with larger vehicles, simply because they're a bigger target! Once you've hit them, the second part of the attack comes into play - hitting them when they're stalled. As the flares' main purpose is to stall the opponent, it seems ony logical that you should lay into them when they're a sitting duck. For this, it's time to bring out the main players - the crater-maker and the stampede are perfect for the kind of mass destruction you want! If you're feeling particularly nasty, try using the Gridlock again - with some practice, you can keep stalling them shorty after they recover and keep them permanently ground to a halt!